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Types of models

kima currently implements dedicated models for different analyses of a given dataset. The models share a common organization, but each has its own parameters, priors, and settings.

  • RVmodel
    Models the RVs with a sum-of-Keplerians

  • GPmodel
    Models the RVs with a sum-of-Keplerians plus a correlated noise component given by a Gaussian process

  • RVFWHMmodel
    Models the RVs together with the FWHM as an activity indicator, including a Gaussian process for the activity signal

  • BINARIESmodel
    This includes tidal and relativistic effects as well as apsidal precession of the binary’s orbit (applicable for circumbinary planets), and can also fit double-lined binary data. More details are available in Baycroft et al. (2023).

  • TRANSITmodel (coming soon)

  • GAIAmodel (comming soon)

To use a given model, just instantiate an object of the respective class providing the necessary options and a dataset
from kima import RVmodel, GPmodel

data = ...

model = RVmodel(fix=True, npmax=1, data=data)
# or
model = GPmodel(fix=True, npmax=1, data=data)

The arguments to the models can be provided as positional arguments, as in

RVmodel(True, 1, data)
but this is discouraged for being less readable. Note, however, that there are not default values for these arguments, as the keyword syntax could lead to believe.

Each model has its own parameters and particular settings, which are described in detail in the API page. Below we include a more mathematical description of each model.

This is the most basic model, but already allows for an in-depth analysis of an RV dataset. In terms of general settings, we can define

model = RVmodel(fix=True, npmax=1, data=data) # (4)

model.trend = False / True = 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 # (1)

model.set_known_object(1) # (2)

model.studentt = False / True # (3)
  1. sets up a long-term trend in the RVs, of a given degree. This is a linear trend for degree=1, a quadratic for degree=2, and a cubic for degree=3. Higher degree trends are not implemented.

  2. In known object (KO!) mode, kima considers some Keplerians as part of a "background" model (see below). This can be useful when modelling transiting planets or simply planets with better-known orbital parameters.

  3. Whether to use a Student-t distribution as the likelihood, instead of a Gaussian. If this is set to True, the degrees of freedom of the Student-t distribution can be estimated from the data. This is sometimes useful when the RV data is suspected to contain (a few) strong outliers. See the example for more information.

  4. See below for more information

This model considers a Gaussian process as a surrogate model for the stellar activity signal present in the RVs. It uses the now standard quasi-periodic kernel with four hyper-parameters:

\[ k(t_i, t_j) = \eta_1^2 \exp\left[-\frac{t_i - t_j}{\eta_2^2}\right] \exp\left[-\frac{\sin^2\left(\frac{t_i - t_j}{\eta_3}\right)}{2 \eta_4^2}\right] \]

Most of the same settings as for the RVmodel are available, except for studentt which doesn't apply in this case.

model = GPmodel(fix=True, npmax=1) # (3)

model.trend = False / True = 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 # (1)

model.set_known_object(1) # (2)      
  1. sets up a long-term trend in the RVs, of a given degree. This is a linear trend for degree=1, a quadratic for degree=2, and a cubic for degree=3. Higher degree trends are not implemented.

  2. In known object (KO!) mode, kima considers some Keplerians as part of a "background" model (see below). This can be useful when modelling transiting planets or simply planets with better-known orbital parameters.

  3. See below for more information

The Np planets

kima can model Keplerian functions, the RV signals induced by planets. But the distinguishing feature is that the code can actually model a number \(N_p\) of Keplerians, and this number does not need to be fixed a priori. In other words, kima estimates the joint posterior distribution for \(N_p\) and the orbital parameters of the planets \(\theta\), given some data $ \mathcal{D} $:

\[ p(N_p, \theta | \mathcal{D} ) \]

So \(N_p\) is actually a free parameter in the model (if we want). It is somewhat of a special parameter, in that it only takes discrete values, but it's otherwise similar to other parameters in the model. In particular, it needs a prior distribution as well.

This part of the model can be set with the first two arguments to the constructors

model = RVmodel(fix=False, npmax=2, data=data)

which define whether or not \(N_p\) is fixed and its value or prior distribution

\[ N_p \begin{cases} = \texttt{npmax}, & \text{if}\:\texttt{fix}\\ \sim \mathcal{U}(0, \texttt{npmax}), & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \]

By default, each of the \(N_p\) planets has 5 orbital parameters

\[ \theta = { P, K, e, M_0, \omega } \]

corresponding to the orbital period, semi-amplitude, eccentricity, mean anomaly at the epoch, and argument of periastron.

Some models include additional per-planet parameters: the BINARIESmodel considers a linear precession parameter \(\dot\omega\) and the BDmodel infers a mixture probability \(\lambda\) for each planet.


  • \(P\) is in [days]
  • \(K\) is in [m/s]
  • \(e\) is unitless
  • \(M_0\) and \(ω\) are in radians

By default, the epoch is set to the first observed time, but it can be changed by setting the corresponding attribute of the data:

data.M0_epoch = ...

The "background" model

Besides the \(N_p\) planets, kima models the RV observations as follows

  • by default
\[ v_i \sim \mathcal{N} \left( v_{sys} \,,\: j^2+\sigma_i^2 \right) \]
  • if using a Student-t likelihood
\[ v_i \sim \mathcal{T} \left( v_{sys} \,,\: j^2+\sigma_i^2, \nu \right) \]
  • if using a Gaussian process
\[ v \sim \mathcal{GP} \left( \boldsymbol{\mu} = v_{sys} \,,\: \boldsymbol{\Sigma} = {\bf K} + (j^2+\sigma_i^2)\,\delta_{ij}\,{\bf I} \right) \]

where \(j\) is a jitter parameter that represents additional white noise variations not accounted for by the individual uncertainties.

When considering a long-term trend (by setting trend=True), instead of a constant systemic velocity, we have

\[ \begin{aligned} v_{sys} \rightarrow v_{sys} & + \text{slope} \times (t-t_m) \qquad \text{if} \: \texttt{degree} \ge 1\\ & + \text{quadr} \times (t-t_m)^2 \quad\, \text{if} \: \texttt{degree} \ge 2\\ & + \text{cubic} \times (t-t_m)^3 \quad\:\: \text{if} \: \texttt{degree} = 3 \end{aligned} \]

where \(t_m\) is the mean of the times and slope, quadr, and cubic are free parameters. See the example for more information.

When using data from multiple instruments, kima adds RV offsets between pairs of instruments as well as individual jitter parameters per instrument.

Known object mode

As described below, the priors for the orbital parameters of the \(N_p\) planets are all the same.

To go around this limitation, we can add known objects to the background model, which are simply Keplerians for which we define individual priors. Each of these Keplerians has the same 5 orbital parameters \({P, K, e, M_0, \omega}\), in the same units.


The number of known objects is defined by the user and is always fixed, unlike \(N_p\).

Most models can accomodate known objects which can be added to the model with the following code


model.KO_Pprior = [kima.distributions...]
model.KO_Kprior = [...]
model.KO_eprior = [...]
model.KO_phiprior = [...]
model.KO_wprior = [...]

Prior distributions

As in any Bayesian analysis, kima needs a set of priors for the model parameters. If we don't explicitly set the priors, default ones will be used and the model will run. But sometimes we will want to set custom priors for some parameters.

To change specific priors, we just need to re-assign some attributes of the models, using the probability distributions defined in kima.distributions. Admittedly, some of these attributes might have rather undescriptive names, but they are still documented individually.

For example, let's re-define the priors for the jitter and for the orbital periods of the \(N_p\) planets

from kima.distributions import Uniform, Gaussian

model = RVmodel(...)

model.Jprior = Uniform(1, 20)  # (1)

model.conditional.Pprior = Gaussian(15, 0.1)
  1. ⚠ Note that this is a uniform distribution from 1 m/s to 20 m/s, unlike the scipy.stats.uniform distribution which would have support [1, 21] !

While it might seem counter-intuitive at first, the priors for the orbital parameters are the same for all of the \(N_p\) planets. This is intentional! But if this is not what you want, consider using the known object feature.

conditional priors

The priors for the orbital parameters of the \(N_p\) Keplerians are included in the model.conditional object because these priors are conditional on having those Keplerians.

In the example above, we specify the prior distribution and its parameters. The list of currently implemented distributions is described here. If you need a distribution that is not yet implemented, consider opening an issue.

Default priors

Below is the list of default priors which are used if not explicitly re-defined

name meaning prior
beta_prior activity indicator coefficients Gaussian(0, 1)
Cprior systemic velocity Uniform(\(v_{\rm min}\), \(v_{\rm max}\))
stellar_jitter_prior stellar jitter Fixed(0)
slope_prior slope of linear trend Gaussian( 0, \(\Delta v / \Delta t\) )
quadr_prior coefficient of quadratic trend Gaussian( 0, \(\Delta v / \Delta t^2\) )
cubic_prior coefficient of cubic trend Gaussian( 0, \(\Delta v / \Delta t^3\) )
offsets_prior between-instrument offsets Uniform( -\(\Delta v\), \(\Delta v\) )
nu_prior degrees of freedom of Student-t likelihood LogUniform(2, 1000)
name meaning prior
beta_prior activity indicator coefficients Gaussian(0, 1)
Cprior systemic velocity Uniform(\(v_{\rm min}\), \(v_{\rm max}\))
slope_prior slope of linear trend Gaussian( 0, \(\Delta v / \Delta t\) )
quadr_prior coefficient of quadratic trend Gaussian( 0, \(\Delta v / \Delta t^2\) )
cubic_prior coefficient of cubic trend Gaussian( 0, \(\Delta v / \Delta t^3\) )
offsets_prior between-instrument offsets Uniform( -\(\Delta v\), \(\Delta v\) )
eta1_prior GP "amplitude" LogUniform(0.1, 100)
eta2_prior GP correlation timescale LogUniform(1, \(\Delta t\))
eta3_prior GP period Uniform(10, 40)
eta4_prior recurrence timescale or (inverse) harmonic complexity Uniform(0.2, 5)
eta5_prior "amplitude" for the magnetic cycle kernel LogUniform(0.1, 100)
eta6_prior period for the magnetic cycle kernel LogUniform(365, 5*\(\Delta t\))
eta7_prior recurrence timescale for the magnetic cycle kernel Uniform(1, 10)

And for the orbital parameters

  • orbital period(s), conditional.Pprior
    LogUniform(1, \(\Delta t\)), where \(\Delta t\) is the timespan of the data

  • semi-amplitude(s), conditional.Kprior
    Uniform(1, \(\Delta v\)), where \(\Delta v\) is the span of the RVs

  • orbital eccentricity(ies), conditional.eprior
    Uniform(0, 1)

  • mean anomaly at the epoch, conditional.phiprior
    Uniform(0, 2\(\pi\))

  • argument of pericenter, conditional.wprior
    Uniform(0, 2\(\pi\))

How many parameters?

The number of free parameters can change substantially depending on the model, the different settings, and the specific parameter priors (which can be Fixed, for example). In essence, the number of free parameters is usually not a very useful quantity by itself.