After installing kima, we'll go through one of the examples to start playing with the package. Let's find 51 Peg b!
51 Peg b was the first exoplanet discovered around a solar-type star. The original paper, by Mayor & Queloz (1995), used data from the ELODIE spectrograph. Here we will use another dataset, obtained with the Hamilton echelle spectrograph, situated in the Lick Observatory, in California (see Butler et al. 2006).
Let's import the package and the example
import kima
from kima.examples import _51Peg
The name _51Peg
is a bit weird simply because Python variable names cannot start with a number. 🤷
To take a quick look at the RV data, let's call the _51Peg
function to just
build the model, without running it:
model = _51Peg()
The data consist of 256 observations over almost 6 years, from October 1995 to October 2001. Our goal is to fit a Keplerian model to these radial-velocity observations. We will assumme the number of Keplerians to be free, with a uniform prior between 0 and 1, while all other priors take default values.
We could run this model using the kima.run()
function, but let's use the
example directly (which runs 5000 steps by default):
model, res = _51Peg(run=True, load=True)
log(Z) = -907.1448171972309 Information = 33.55284794677641 nats. Effective sample size = 534.6495957420269
100%|██████████| 534/534 [00:00<00:00, 9019.79it/s]
We also loaded the results into the res
variable, which we can use to look at
some posterior distributions.
For example, the posterior for the number of planet is quite clear, showing the significant detection of the planet:
Np probability ratios: []
The orbital period is also very well constrained:
The plot above also shows samples from the prior distribution, which is log-uniform extending from 1 day to the timespan of the data.
We can also plot the histograms of the posteriors for the systemic velocity and for the instrumental jitter
and the (more interesting) phase plot using the maximum likelihood solution
p = res.maximum_likelihood_sample()
Sample with the highest likelihood value (logL = -869.59) -> might not be representative of the full posterior distribution jitter: [2.8930339] number of planets: 1 orbital parameters: P K M0 e w 4.23073 55.93763 5.07937 0.01090 0.61465 vsys: -1.78331207
So, kima tells us that a planet at a period of 4.23 days and an amplitude of ~56 m/s is the best model given the RV data. If it was 1995, we'd be going about changing the history of astronomy!