Variable jitter¶
The RV dispersion is typically larger in more active stars.
To account for this, Díaz et al. (2016) proposed a model where the 'jitter' term depends on the value of the $\log R'_{HK}$ indicator. Using the same notation as in the models page, this changes the default model in kima from
$$ v_i \sim \mathcal{N} \left( v_{sys} \,,\: j^2+\sigma_i^2 \right) $$
to something like
$$ v_i \sim \mathcal{N} \left( v_{sys} \,,\: j^2 + (\alpha_j \cdot {\rm RHK})^2 + \sigma_i^2 \right) $$
where ${\rm RHK}$ represents the values of $\log R'_{HK}$ normalized to the range $[0-1]$.
The $\log R'_{HK}$ values are normalized to $[0-1]$ by subtracting the minimun value and dividing by the peak-to-peak. This means that the additional white noise at the minimum $\log R'_{HK}$ value is zero.
The parameter $\alpha_j$ is unknown and represents the slope of the dependence
of the jitter with $\log R'_{HK}$. We may assume that $\alpha_j>0$ always. This
model is implemented in RVmodel with the
Let's see an example.
Simulating a dataset¶
First, we get some standard imports out of the way
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import kima
from kima import keplerian
We'll generate a simple RV dataset that contains only noise. At the same time, we also generate fake $\log R'_{HK}$ values which first increase slightly and then decrease. This simulates the variation that could be observed due to a stellar magnetic cycle.
def create_data(multiple_instruments=False):
np.random.seed(43) # to be reproducible
# random times over a short timespan
t = np.sort(np.random.uniform(0, 100, 87))
# RVs with only white noise and associated uncertainties
rv = np.random.normal(loc=-3, scale=0.01, size=t.size)
err_rv = np.random.uniform(0.1, 0.4, t.size)
# simulate log R'HK (using a Keplerian function just for convenience)
rhk = -4.9 + np.array(keplerian(t, 300, 0.1, 0.5, 0.0, 0, 60))
rhk += np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=3e-3, size=t.size)
err_rhk = np.random.uniform(4e-3, 6e-3, t.size)
# normalize to range [0, 1]
norm_rhk = (rhk - rhk.min()) / rhk.ptp()
# to simulate multiple instruments, add an RV offset to some points
mask = None
if multiple_instruments:
mask = np.arange(t.size) > 2 *t.size // 3
rv[mask] += 2.5
# !!! add jitter proportional to (normalized) log R'HK !!!
alpha = 2.1
rv += np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=alpha * norm_rhk, size=t.size)
# save the data in text files
kw = dict(fmt='%10.5f', header='t rv err_rv rhk err_rhk')
if multiple_instruments:
D1 = np.c_[
t[~mask], rv[~mask], err_rv[~mask], rhk[~mask], err_rhk[~mask]
D2 = np.c_[
t[mask], rv[mask], err_rv[mask], rhk[mask], err_rhk[mask]
np.savetxt('data1.txt', D1, **kw)
np.savetxt('data2.txt', D2, **kw)
D = np.c_[t, rv, err_rv, rhk, err_rhk]
np.savetxt('data.txt', D, **kw)
return t, rv, err_rv, rhk, err_rhk, mask
Let's call the function and visualize the data
t, rv, err_rv, rhk, err_rhk, mask = create_data()
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, constrained_layout=True)
axs[0].errorbar(t, rv, err_rv, fmt='o', ms=3)
axs[1].errorbar(t, rhk, err_rhk, fmt='o', ms=3)
axs[0].set(xlabel='Time [days]', ylabel='RV [m/s]');
axs[1].set(xlabel='Time [days]', ylabel=r"$\log R'_{HK}$");
As we wanted, the variance of the RVs depends (linearly) on the $\log R'_{HK}$. For the case of multiple instruments, the data looks very similar, except for the added RV offset:
t, rv, err_rv, rhk, err_rhk, mask = create_data(multiple_instruments=True)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, constrained_layout=True)
axs[0].errorbar(t[~mask], rv[~mask], err_rv[~mask], fmt='o', ms=3)
axs[0].errorbar(t[mask], rv[mask], err_rv[mask], fmt='o', ms=3)
axs[1].errorbar(t[~mask], rhk[~mask], err_rhk[~mask], fmt='o', ms=3)
axs[1].errorbar(t[mask], rhk[mask], err_rhk[mask], fmt='o', ms=3)
axs[0].set(xlabel='Time [days]', ylabel='RV [m/s]');
axs[1].set(xlabel='Time [days]', ylabel=r"$\log R'_{HK}$");
With this very simple simulation, we are trying to reproduce the observed data of active stars. For example, compare the above with Fig. 9 from Díaz et al.(2016), showing HARPS data for HD40307:

A model with fixed jitter¶
Let's now fit these data, assuming the usual model with a fixed jitter value
from kima import RVData, RVmodel, distributions
data = RVData('data.txt')
model = RVmodel(fix=True, npmax=0, data=data)
Run the model for a few thousand steps
%%time, steps=5000, num_threads=4)
CPU times: total: 1.25 s Wall time: 5.41 s
and load the results
res1 = kima.load_results(model)
log(Z) = -158.34618141972808 Information = 5.306621992754316 nats. Effective sample size = 325.3651174998503
100%|██████████| 325/325 [00:00<00:00, 7781.11it/s]
Loading "posterior_sample.txt" took 0.00 seconds Loading "sample.txt" took 0.01 seconds Loading "sample_info.txt" took 0.01 seconds finished reading jitters finished reading trend, trend = False finished reading multiple instruments
Jitter proportional to $\log R'_{HK}$¶
Let's now also load the activity indicator and run a model where the jitter is proportional to it.
data = RVData('data.txt', indicators=['rhk', 'err_rhk'])
model = RVmodel(fix=True, npmax=0, data=data)
model.jitter_propto_indicator = True
%%time, steps=5000, num_threads=4)
CPU times: total: 484 ms Wall time: 6.55 s
res2 = kima.load_results(model)
log(Z) = -126.73370836655585 Information = 10.150176417405518 nats. Effective sample size = 676.1498977873207
100%|██████████| 676/676 [00:00<00:00, 17678.29it/s]
Loading "posterior_sample.txt" took 0.01 seconds Loading "sample.txt" took 0.01 seconds Loading "sample_info.txt" took 0.00 seconds finished reading jitters finished reading trend, trend = False finished reading multiple instruments